I don't have two lives like most of us — personal and professional lives
Don't judge too quickly. Spend sometime, read this with an open mind.
The 8-hour work life and then your personal life works like a good mean average for most of us but it's not always the same for me.
There are days when I have surge & fountain of ideas flowing that I don't like to stop. The light bulb moment can be anywhere between my deep sleep to shower to solving an important problem during the day. You can't be working all the time but for me the definition of work has always been different. Like something that I enjoy later the day for leisure might add some real value to my work
// add a reference to the podcast by Sid & Tanay
8 hour work - 8 hour leisure - 8 hour sleep
What's leisure for you might be work for someone else. It can be watching TV for someone, playing Guitar for another while coding on a side-project for someone.
Finding the balance
Burnout and early signs