My unpolished thoughts on random things.
Types of plugins & extensions
Types of plugins & extensions
My journey so far
My journey so far
My journey
The blurred line between the personal and the professional lives.
The blurred line between the personal and the professional lives.
I don't have two lives like most of us — personal and professional lives.
Zero expectation makes everything a bonus
Zero expectation makes everything a bonus
Zero expectation makes everything a bonus
Drop the mask and fall in love
Drop the mask and fall in love
How has our decision-making changed since we grew?
How has our decision-making changed since we grew?
The checklist of the perfect component library
The checklist of the perfect component library
Trying to figure out what are the things that make the perfect component library.
People project their insecurities as your flaws
People project their insecurities as your flaws
Cheerleaders and entrepreneurship
Cheerleaders and entrepreneurship
Biology & Psychology
Biology & Psychology
The value of experimentations, PoCs and R&D
The value of experimentations, PoCs and R&D
Full-stack App Architecture
Full-stack App Architecture
This is a live document and the log about our discussion related to the full-stack app development framework that we are building at GeekyAnts.